Wübu: Model for Rural Development

Wübu is a sustainable development project located across the river from Livingston, Guatemala. The main plantations are guadua bamboo, used for construction and furn, polycropped with yuca, platano, ginger, taro, pineapple, papaya, chili and a variety of tropical fruit trees.

Swale in coconut plantation.
Total length: 43m (141ft)
Erosion control in Banana Plantation.
Total length: 229m (754ft) 
Contour rows in Food Forest.
Total length: 352m (1,157ft)
Contoured Cornfields.
Total length: 2,019m (6,624ft)
See more on this project at Wübu Agroforestry
Beds on contour.
Total length: 80m (263ft)

Check out other Contour Lines projects:

Don Adolfo Project: Pasture to Agroforestry
Tatín Village Project – Round 1 and Round 2
Swales at Thrive Upstate
Rainwater Harvesting at Witherspoon Retreat
Contour Terraces in Minca, Colombia

Swales at Thrive Upstate

Hugelkultur Berms and Swales at Thrive Upstate

Thomas Leonard and Carlos Terry built a system of berms and swales on contour at The Generous Garden Project at Thrive Upstate in Greenville, SC. 

The objective of these water-harvesting ditches was to reduce erosion by slowing the downhill flow of water and trapping organic matter. In addition the swales hold water allowing it to percolate into the ground.  This additional ground water provided superior plant growth of perennials, fruit trees and shade-tolerant annuals .

The system was built in four hours by a team of two people

  • First, the team used an A frame to mark the contour lines.
  • Second, they lined them with fallen logs and branches collected from the adjacent forest. 
  • Third, they used an excavator to dig a ditch uphill from the marked contour lines.  This depression resulted in the swale. 
  • Finally, the excavated soil was piled downhill to cover the wood, which formed the berm.

Lastly, the berms were planted in a poly culture of different crops.  Perennials such as mint, asparagus, strawberries, rudbeckia and artichokes were planted on the shady edge.  Crimson clover and peas were used as a cover crop to fix nitrogen and compete with weeds. The ends of the berms were planted with apple and pear trees that were trained to the fence.

Check out other Contour Lines projects:

Don Adolfo Project: Pasture to Agroforestry
Tatín Village Project – Round 1 and Round 2
Wubu: Model for Rural Development
Bamboo Replanting on the “Dry Hills” at Wubu
Rainwater Harvesting at Witherspoon Retreat
Contour Terraces in Minca, Colombia